Providing an advanced solution for portfolio management

Providing an advanced solution for portfolio management


Cutting edge methodologies
Machine learning and AI

Proprietary models based on the most advanced approaches by our qualified team of academic researchers, financial engineers and data scientists
Use of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques in modeling financial and sustainability risk


SAAS platform

SAAS platform available 24×7 via the Web
Based on REST API architecture
Managed in the AWS cloud, secure, scalable and performing
Turnkey managed service


Cutting edge methodologies
Machine learning and AI

Proprietary models based on the most advanced approaches by our qualified team of academic researchers, financial engineers and data scientists
Use of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques in modeling financial and sustainability risk


SAAS platform

SAAS platform available 24×7 via the Web
Based on REST API architecture
Managed in the AWS cloud, secure, scalable and performing
Turnkey managed service

Beyond the platform:
Advisory for high-value projects

We support our clients in developing projects and models for the forecasting of financial and macroeconomic variables
We assist asset managers by providing our methodologies and models for the design, development and testing of investment strategies

Beyond the platform:
Advisory for high-value projects

We support our clients in developing projects and models for the forecasting of financial and macroeconomic variables
We assist asset managers by providing our methodologies and models for the design, development and testing of investment strategies

They trust us

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For further information about our solution or to arrange a demo, please fill the form in

    Wish a demo?

    For further information about our solution or to arrange a demo, please fill the form in below